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Cartography is an important aspect of many projects, as maps need to easily interpreted by clients, and anyone who may be viewing the map in the future.
I can make maps and preform analysis using various programs, including ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Manifold, MapInfo, and QGIS.  In addition to the map to the left, more examples can be seen on the gallery page of this website.

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Remote Sensing

Remote sensing involves understanding and interpreting satellite data, and air photos. This can involve georeferencing air photos, as well as using various classification methods, and different combinations of satellite bands. 
Through two courses at Niagara College, and one at McMaster University, I have gained a thorough understanding of these concepts, and have had ample opportunity to practice these skills.


Modeling can used to interpret real or hypothetical interactions between many factors in a system.  This requires an understanding of relationships and thorough assessment of all assumptions involved. This also includes preforming sensitivity analysis and testing different related situations to understand possible flaws in the model. I have experience using Stella to create models.



Through several courses at Niagara College I have gained some experience using programming to complete various tasks.  This includes creating websites using html and CSS, as well as including JavaScript and GoogleAPI in a website to perform various functions. I have also created apps using vba and, and used python to edit data, and created python scripts to use in ArcMap.​

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